A Non-Traditional Journey
I grew up in a small town of 12,000 people that was predominantly Hispanic. I am a third generation Hispanic-American whose parents were migrant workers. My mom has a 7th grade education and never finished high school because she stayed home to help with younger...
Latinos and the Church
Since the introduction of Christianity in the Americas, racial divisions have existed in the Church. When we look at our churches in the United States today, the threads of these divisions have woven segregated communities and congregations. So how do we as a...
History of Education for Mexican Americans in Texas
This article is written by Adela Villerreal-Cooper, Vice President of Student Experience at Stark College & Seminary. As we approach National Hispanic Heritage Month, I remember the first time I learned about the segregation of Mexican-Americans in Texas public...
5 Ways to Read a Book Faster
No matter which courses you take at Stark College & Seminary, reading will be assigned. Reading is a foundational skill for higher education success, but many students struggle to read and comprehend their textbooks. Even at Harvard, reading comprehension among new...
5 Ways to Stay Organized Throughout the Semester
Why wait to get organized until next semester? Start now, at the beginning of the semester. Below are five ways to jumpstart your organizational prowess as you begin a new semester.
Graduation 2020
The SCS community continues to pray that our students and partners are safe and healthy, particularly as we all navigate uncharted territory due to the coronavirus. To abide by the directives of local civic leaders and help slow the spread of the virus, SCS is moving...
A Response to Social Injustice and the Death of George Floyd
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Stark College and Seminary is a diverse community of Christ followers seeking to theologically educate individuals to serve the church and community. SCS, since...
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
It was the Fall of 2011 and my first residency of my Ph.D. program. I sat quietly, intimidated by those I sat among, listening intently to a man who would come to influence me in ways that I could only have imagined. It was in that course that I was first...
Student Profile: Pastor Eric Tarver
As I reflect on the year I graduated from Bastrop High School in 1993, many of my friends went to college straight after high school and never stopped until they obtained a master or doctorate degree. My path was a little different. My journey in higher education...
Student Profile: Stephanie Barron
In order for one to fully grasp what graduating from Stark College & Seminary means to me, let's travel back in time to a small elementary school in San Antonio. Then, I was just a little girl with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that sat so quietly in a small...
Answer Your Calling
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