Student Profile: Melissa Astudillo

  “Only God could let my mom get lost in McAllen on her way to Monterrey, Mexico and convince her to purchase a house there. Only God could give me the courage to get up and follow my mom there when I was in the midst of my own marital problems. Only God could use our...

7 Tips for a Great Presentation

  1. Understand the task at hand. via GIPHY Know exactly what the professor’s expectations are before beginning the assignment. Consider questions that should be answered in your presentation, length of your presentation, and the depth of content that should be...

6 Ways to Have a Great Group Project

  The Lord designed us to be in relationship with Him and others, therefore group work seems like a great idea. However, many times group projects can be frustrating experiences. The truth is, group work or projects can be great. They provide the perfect opportunity...

Latino and Hispanic Theologian Books

Explore a curated collection of Latino and Hispanic theology books. Discover rich insights and diverse perspectives in theology. Welcome to our carefully curated collection of Latino and Hispanic Theologian Books, a journey into the profound world of Latino and...

7 Tips for Writing Research Papers

  1. Pick a topic that interests you  via GIPHY If you’re not interested in the topic, you won’t be excited about having to research it. Conversely, if your topic interests you, the research is going to be more fun! 2. Do broad research before narrowing it down via...