How Can I Afford Seminary?

How Can I Afford Seminary?

You feel God stirring your spirit to pursue theological training for ministry service. However, glancing at seminary costs leaves you discouraged and full of self-doubt. How can you possibly afford it while providing for yourself and your family on a minister’s...
Cultivating Joy in the Face of Uncertainty

Cultivating Joy in the Face of Uncertainty

We adorn our homes with greenery during Advent as a symbol of joy amid winter’s barrenness. But true, lasting joy may elude us when life loses its luster. Hardship can shrivel our joy like frosted grass. Abraham knew sorrow before Isaac was born in his old age....
The Concrete Hope of Advent

The Concrete Hope of Advent

The world we live in pulses with a rhythmic hope, the belief that tomorrow can be better than yesterday and today. We see evidence all around that things are changing – new technologies arise, medical discoveries provide cures, even improved recipes yield better...