Erik and Wife Dana
About Erik
What led you to pursue a career in theological education?
I have always been passionate about education, as I truly believe that to be all of whom God has called us to be requires getting as much knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, and in most cases that comes through formal education. There’s a misconceived notion that theological education only benefits those called to the church. I believe that theological education prepares you for not only the church but on how to manage life.
Can you share a pivotal moment in your walk with Christ?

Erik Preaching at Southside Community Church
A pivotal moment in my walk with Christ was making the move to Texas from Atlanta, GA. I’m from the Southeast, and everything in that region is what I’m more familiar with. Coming to Texas has caused me to grow more spiritually and to expand when it comes to cultural differences. God has truly rewarded this simple act of obedience, because I’m leading a thriving church, connected with great brothers and sisters with the Texas Baptist Convention (BGCT), and now I’m humbled to be a professor here at Stark College and Seminary because I stepped out on faith.
What areas of theological research or scholarship are you currently pursuing?
I am most passionate about research on Black Church History and African American Preaching.
Can you share a favorite Bible passage and explain its significance to you?
Psalm 46:1 – “God is my refuge and my strength a very present help in times of trouble.” This is my favorite passage because it gives me comfort that no matter what life presents, God is always readily available to help. God is always close.
What recent book has significantly influenced your thinking?
Beyond Roots by Dr. Dwight McKissic. I love this book, because it highlights the stories and characters that were black in the bible.
About the Course
How does your background and experience align with Stark’s mission?
I have always served those who are looking to grow, no matter if it was in the academy or the church. I have served as a teacher and behavior intervention specialist in the school districts for many years. I have also served as a Campus Pastor on a college campus in Atlanta, GA. God’s path for me on has always intersected the church and academia.
What excites you most about the course you’re teaching this fall—Intro to Church History?
I am excited about the journey with the students. I look forward to walking, growing, and being able to lead the next generation of leaders through the classroom. It is truly a blessing and humbling experience.
What do you hope students will take away from your course?
I hope most importantly that the students can sense they have a professor who cares and is truly passionate about the work of theological education. That alone would give me great pleasure and joy.
Insight from Erik
What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing the church today?
One of the greatest challenges of the church today is that there are people who are operating in ministry who are ill-informed and ill-equipped. A solid theological education helps equip those who are called into the ministry and helps build stronger churches.
What advice would you give to students considering a career in ministry or theological studies?
Pray, study, lean on the Lord for understanding, and always allow God to guide your steps. Stay the course, and God will make his plans clear as you continue to walk forward in faith.

Southside Community Church
How do you balance your academic work with active involvement in your local church?
I have a great group of people around me who support me in every area of life, including the church, family, and my vocation. I would not be the man that I am today without the support of prayerful, spirit-filled people around me.
What’s the best way for people to connect with you and find out more about you?
SouthsideCCFortWorth.Org or by email at SouthsideCCFortWorth@gmail.com.