Next Steps
Below are the next steps for applying to Stark College & Seminary.
For questions, contact the school at 361-991-9403 | 956-340-4859 |

#1 Fill out the Application for Admission
#2 Send Official Transcripts
If you have attended any previous colleges/universities, then Stark will need official transcripts from those institutions.
Send Transcripts to:
- For E-transcripts:
- For Paper Transcripts: Stark College & Seminary, ATTN: Registrar, 7000 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
#3 Apply for Stark Financial Aid
If you would like to apply for financial aid, then complete the Stark Financial Aid Application. If you have previously contacted Stark, then you may already have an account and need to login as a Returning User.
#4 Apply for Texas Baptists “BGCT” Ministerial Financial Assistance (if applicable)
Students who feel called to vocational ministry and are serving at a Texas Baptists Church may be eligible for Ministerial Financial Assistance (MFA) from the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT).
To apply, complete the two forms below.
- Student Portion of Application – student completes this form
- Church Portion of Application – students sends this form to their pastor to complete (or church leader if student is the pastor)
#5 Schedule a Registration Appointment!
Request an appointment to meet with an academic advisor to discuss your degree plan and register for classes.
Answer Your Calling
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