Stark is pleased to introduce Dr. George Evans, our newest full-time faculty member, joining us as the Lecturer in Biblical Studies. With over two decades of pastoral experience and a fervent dedication to academic scholarship, Dr. Evans brings a wealth of ministerial knowledge and a passion for equipping students with sound doctrine.
Read more about Dr. Evans in his interview below.
About Dr. George Evans

Dr. George Evans
What led you to pursue a career in theological education?
I have always been a student of the Word, having pastored for over 20 years. Then the Lord led me to refocus on academia, driven by my concern for the current religious climate and the need to recapture the essence of sound doctrine. Our pastors and religious leaders need more support from the academy to enhance sermon preparation, freeing them to attend to the needs of their congregants and organizations. Paul’s letter to Timothy emphasizes the importance of committing to sound doctrine. Our pastors and Christian leaders require more preaching and teaching material that aligns with their evangelistic and missional efforts, helping them apply sound doctrine in both living and ministry.
Can you share a pivotal moment in your walk with Christ?
One of the transformative moments in my walk with Jesus was during my early years as a young man, still a late teen. By then, I was preaching the gospel. Back then, we called prayer vigils “shut-ins,” when we went to the church and stayed for days (about three), praying every three hours. One night, I literally sensed the Lord speaking to me out of the scripture where Peter was challenged by Jesus to step out of the ship. Stepping out of and into uncharted waters has been my experience throughout life. For me, it is pivotal when the written word evolves into a living word. Reliving the story of Jesus in a different context further develops a personal relationship with him.
What areas of theological research are you currently pursuing?
My current research project focuses on hermeneutics, specifically a reinterpretation of the Holy Spirit’s work in Christological events. This manuscript is a follow-up to my book, The Holy Spirit as Space for the Living. I believe that God allows us to access His spatial presence and occupy that space while living in temporal reality.
Can you share a favorite Bible passage and explain its significance to you?
One of my favorite Bible passages is John 6:63, where Jesus says, “It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” Simply put, God’s words are transformative. Just as the body has no life without spirit, our lives have no meaning without Jesus’ words. We must embrace them, allow them to embrace us, and live with them every day.
What recent book or resource has significantly influenced your thinking, and why?
As of late, I’ve spent time reading the letters of Karl Barth, one of the most prolific theologians of the 20th century. I am also focused on former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s new book, Reading the Constitution, a book that reflects hermeneutics as he explains why he chose pragmatism over textualism in interpreting the Constitution.
New Role at Stark
How does your background and experience align with Stark’s mission to equip students to serve in their church and community?
Stark College & Seminary exists to equip educationally underserved followers of Christ for service in the church and community. My experience as a pastor for over twenty years, combined with my passion for scholarship, allows me to bridge the gap between serving God in both forums. As a Black academic who struggled as a non-traditional student, I align deeply with Stark’s mission and recognize the value of its scholarship programs. The students at Stark share a calling to serve God in various capacities, and I am committed to helping them realize the full breadth of their calling and to shine more light on their path.
What do you hope students will take away from your courses beyond just academic knowledge?
My hope is that students will grow in their understanding as they progress through levels of intellectual development, increasing their knowledge of the world and strengthening their values. The real investment for students is in building a community that supports a shared combination of ethnicity, language, and history, reflecting the context of each student regardless of race, religion, or national background. We acknowledge Jesus’ mandate to “love thy neighbor.”
How do you balance your academic work with active involvement in your local church?
My academic work goes hand-in-hand with my involvement in the local church. As a public speaker, my study of Scripture informs both my academic and ecclesiastical roles.
Wisdom from Dr. Evans
What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing the church today?
The church is and has been engaged in a cultural war in every hemisphere. For Christian leaders, the theological task of bridging Scripture and the community is imperative. The church must produce a global message that is consistent with a worldview, carrying the same mandate and set of values for everyone. We must resist the temptation to create factions within the body of Christ.
What advice would you give to students considering a career in ministry or theological studies?
More scholars are needed in the academy. As doctors of the church, we support pastors and missional groups, affirming their journeys as they follow the leading of the Spirit in Scripture. God has placed us in this role to serve the church’s mission. Even at an early age, Jesus was adept at engaging the Doctor of Law, a profession parallel to academic scholarship today.
What’s the best way for people to connect with you and find out more about you?