Coaching, Faith, and Second Chances: Johnny De La Paz’s Student Testimony

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student testimony at scholarship banquet

Johnny De La Paz gives his testimony at Stark’s Hand and Dove Scholarship Banquet

From Struggle to Spiritual Guidance

Growing up, Johnny De La Paz found belief in God but often strayed from a devout path. “I believed in God, but wasn’t a good Christian. But, the Lord put godly men in my path, such as Coach Castillo, Coach Williams, and Coach Perez who taught me not only life lessons, but lessons on faith and how to put my trust in God.” Coach Perez in particular played a pivotal role, inviting Johnny to Fellowship of Christian Athletes meetings and nurturing his spirituality.

Turning Points and Second Chances

Life presented its challenges, and Johnny candidly admits to straying further from his faith as an adult, leading to a personal crisis in 2009. This period was a divine wake-up call that redirected him towards a purposeful life. The influence of Coach Perez’s twin brother Abdon (referred to affectionately as ‘John the Baptist’ for his forthright evangelism) was instrumental during this time.

A Renewed Mission at Stark College

Inspired by the dedication of his coaches, Johnny aspired to mentor youth. Eventually he was connected to Stark College & Seminary, where Coach Perez’s niece, Tina Villarreal, just so happened to work! Professor Villarreal recognized Johnny’s potential and welcomed him into the Stark familia. Starting Bible college in Spring 2023, Johnny found a renewed sense of life and purpose, learning to navigate challenges with a resilience instilled by supportive faculty and student community.

Mentorship and Gratitude

Now an Assistant Coach, Johnny is paying forward the mentorship he received by guiding young athletes both physically and spiritually. He credits his ability to captivate and maintain the attention of the youth to the gifting bestowed upon him by God. Johnny acknowledges the relief that Stark’s affordability and scholarships bring to his family’s finances. “I am grateful to the donors of Stark who give generously so students like me can get a second chance at life and be used by God in the community.”

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