Discerning a Call to Ministry

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One of the frequently repeated phrases around Stark College and Seminary is a desire to help students “Answer God’s Call” for their life. Every follower of Jesus has a desire to be faithful to God’s calling, but the problem many people face is learning how to hear and discern God’s call.

Discerning a calling to Christian ministry is a deeply personal and spiritual journey. Different people may experience this process in unique ways, but there are some common factors and steps that individuals often consider when trying to determine if they are being called by God to Christian ministry.

Factors to Consider When Discerning God’s Call to Ministry

1. Prayer and Reflection: Spend time in prayer, meditation, and reflection. Seek guidance from God through personal conversations with Him. Many people find that a calling becomes clearer through focused, intentional communication with God.

2. Spiritual Gifts: Consider your spiritual gifts and talents. If you find that you possess gifts such as teaching, preaching, counseling, leadership, or serving, it could be an indication that God is calling you to use these gifts in ministry.

3. Passion and Desire: A genuine passion for sharing the Gospel, serving others, and leading them towards a deeper relationship with God can be a sign of a calling. This desire often burns in the heart of those who are called to ministry.

4. Confirmation from Others: Seek feedback and counsel from mentors, pastors, friends, and fellow believers. They can provide an external perspective on your gifts, character, and potential for ministry.

5. Open Doors: Look for opportunities that God might be opening for you. Sometimes, the path to ministry becomes evident through invitations to teach, lead, or serve in various capacities within your church.

6. Biblical Alignment: Study the Bible to understand the role of a minister or leader within the Christian context. Seek to align your understanding of this role with the teachings of Scripture.

7. Inner Conviction: Some individuals report a strong inner conviction or a sense of compulsion from God to pursue ministry. This sense of “calling” can be a deeply emotional and spiritual experience.

8. Confirmation Through Circumstances: Sometimes, circumstances align in a way that seems providential and points toward ministry. This could include unexpected opportunities, changes in life direction, or moments of clarity during times of prayer.

9. Testing and Preparation: God often uses times of testing and preparation to refine individuals for ministry. These experiences can serve to confirm and strengthen the calling.

10. Lifelong Commitment: Consider whether you are willing to commit your life to the challenges and responsibilities that come with Christian ministry. This calling is often characterized by a sense of lifelong dedication.

Stark’s Commitment to Guiding Your Ministry Discernment

It’s important to note that discerning a calling to Christian ministry is a process that may take time. It’s a journey that involves seeking God’s guidance, examining your own heart and motivations, and seeking confirmation from others.

The staff and faculty at Stark College and Seminary would love to help you discern God’s calling. You can start this process by scheduling a free, no pressure appointment with one of our advisors. They will hear more about your story, pray with you, and be another trusted resource that can help you in your discernment process.

Answer Your Calling

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