Ashley Simper, Master of Arts in Ministry student at Stark
When I was 17 years old, I sat in Mr. Miller’s office at my high school in South Georgia. With a pile of tardies, unexcused absences and time in I.S.S. already on the books, my graduating on time did not seem likely.
With compassion, coupled with a distinct realism, he said, “I think the best thing for you to do is withdraw and get your G.E.D. as soon as you can.” A decision that would cause much shame that I would carry for many years.
Addiction, abuse, chaos and dysfunction. Love, family, safety and Jesus. Light versus dark. A battle that had ensued for decades within our family.
The Early Foundations of Faith
At 14, the faith I grew up in became my own and I was baptized on a chilly January night. I wish I could tell you that my walk with Jesus from that moment on has been linear, wholly obedient and ever fruitful. But that would simply not be true. He has had to rescue me more times than I can count. I was wild, rebellious, stubborn and the epitome of a prodigal for many years.
Fast-forward to Texas. 20-something, single and growing in my career, I thought I had it all figured out…except for this restlessness that would not let me go. From South Georgia to South Texas, the Lord was still coming after me. And the moment came when I learned what it meant for Jesus to become not only my Savior, but my Lord.
I was recently engaged; I was going to be a wife. I needed Jesus. And in that season, He began to speak those same truths over me. The ones my Mawmaw would pray when we were kneeling beside the bed at night. The ones the Pastor would speak on Sunday mornings as I was rummaging through Mawmaw’s purse looking for some DoubleMint gum. The ones a lady named Mary Knight took the time to share with me as an off-the-rails middle school girl. The ones I would hear when I dared to go into church after a night out partying with friends.
No matter how far I wandered, He never changed.
He gave me a hunger beyond anything I had ever experienced before. I could not wait to read my Bible every day. In a moment, all my “one foot in, one foot out” mess changed. And I just wanted Jesus. I wanted to walk with Him and learn from Him. In doing so, I made an abrupt departure from the former things.
Responding to the Call of Discipleship
Over the next few years, I grew in Christian community and became involved with our local church and Women’s Ministry. I knew God was calling me to ministry. Then came this desire to go deeper–to learn more. That’s where Stark came in.
I visited the campus in the Summer of 2019 and enrolled as a Certificate student that Fall. From the start, I prayed and said, “Lord, I don’t know what you want to do with this but just keep leading me.”
And He has. Every need, every challenge…it has all been met with generous and faithful provision.
Celebrating the Faithfulness of God and Community

Ashley with Stark employees and classmates
Now, many semesters later, I have the honor and privilege of preparing to graduate from Stark College & Seminary.
And 0% of it would have been possible without my Stark family. My professors and classmates have blessed me beyond measure. It’s been a privilege to be led by them and to journey alongside one another. I pray God continues to bless them, their families and their ministries.
And there are families and individuals that have given so generously. There simply are no words that are sufficient enough to embody the gratitude that I have for them. Through these generous donors, God made a way. Without their giving, without the scholarships and grants, a seminary education would not have been possible for me.
And I know that I speak for many others in that, as well. Yes, here at Stark, students are getting the opportunity to obtain solid theological education and training. And we are so grateful for it!
But along with that, people are learning to walk with Jesus. Ministries are being birthed and are growing. Marriages are being saved. Children are growing up in homes vastly different than their parents did. Family trajectories are shifting; old strongholds are being completely disrupted and dismantled. And legacies of faith are being built and continued.
As my little one of 7 years old gets to see his mama preparing to graduate for the first time ever. He also gets to see the first woman from this side of his family graduate college and even earn a master’s degree.
And as exciting as that is, far more important than that, what I
hope he will carry with him is a deep and abiding awareness of God’s faithfulness and the memory of how God’s children loved his mama so well.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you Stark Family!